The Good Samaritan Ministry and Monica's Kitchen
The Good Samaritan Ministry is dedicated to supporting the spiritual health of men, women, and families who are often overlooked by others. Injustices like violence, addiction, poverty, discrimination, and severe mental illness often isolate victims and survivors from full membership in a community of safety and concern. Through radical hospitality, the Good Samaritan Ministry seeks to open new pathways for those who have been marginalized to experience the support, friendship, and compassion of community life. As a ministry, we believe that our acts of kindness and charity become grace for others when, as servants, we see every person we encounter as a son or daughter of God, created in God’s image. Although hardships in life may have wounded and cast a shadow over that image, we seek to honor and respect the holiness of every guest through every action we take and in every word that we speak.
“Monica’s Kitchen” is one expression of the Good Samaritan Ministry and is dedicated to answering the Gospel call to love and lift up our neighbor. We provide food support for our South Boston neighbors struggling with hunger. Each month, the kitchen provides groceries to nearly 300 individuals and families. The kitchen also offers prepared meals and snacks for the lost and forgotten ones who sometimes show up at our door hungry and tired. At our monthly “Peace Breakfasts”, winter “Peace and Pasta” Spaghetti Dinners and summer “Peace Picnics” individuals and families in our highly stressed neighborhoods gather with us for community meals where peace and goodwill are shared and seeds of neighborly friendship and concern are sown.